Do you want to become a professional in the IT world, but you don’t know which specialty to start your journey with? Then our applicant portal will definitely come in handy! We have collected the most up-to-date information about IT professions and educational institutions of higher education in Chernivtsi, which are recommended by the Chernivtsi IT Сluster and the leading IT companies of the region.
On our portal, you will find a complete list of IT professions gaining popularity in the modern world, such as cyber security, web development, software development, data analytics, and many others. Each of these professions has its own advantages and opportunities, which you can learn about in detail on our website.
Also on the portal, you will be able to learn about educational institutions of higher education in the city of Chernivtsi, which are recommended by the Chernivtsi IT cluster and the leading IT companies of the region. We have collected information about the best departments and programs that prepare specialists in the field of IT. With our help, you can find the best study option that meets your needs and ambitions.
Do not waste time and take the first steps to a successful career in IT now! Follow the link, with us you will be able to find your ideal study option and start your path to success in the IT world: https://www.it-education.cv.ua/